CALL US : 704-620-0555
MIND, HEART And Spirit
Coaching, Empowering and Changing Lives In a Significant
Creating positive change from:
Emotional Abuse
Low Self-Esteem
Lost Love
No Compassion
Feeling Powerless
Refuse to help with chores
Lack of Communication
We help you modify your behavior and change your attitude which leads to better performance.
Reggie, thank you for the clarity you brought.
I always leave your office wondering how
I could market you to so many adults that need
this clarity. "You are a Male OPRAH." MH
Revealing the effects of...
You saved me from what would have been a big mistake and life changing event. Today I am happy, stress-free, enjoying life, traveling personally and for my career and God has showed up and out!!! I never forgot your words in counseling and I thank you from the depths of my heart for 'Keeping it real!"
After just 45 days I can see major changes in my personality! My husband has noticed the changes too. I am more confident, stronger, and stand up to a challenge, disciplined, empowered, encouraged, more trusting, motivated, open to new relationships and operating in my element. Thanks Reggie
I immediately respected Reggie and valued his life-coaching because of the way he encouraged me in my strengths and walked with me through my weaknessess. His positive pursuit of life is contagious.
I want to thank you for your services. They are really, really working for me. I want to continue for a year. That is the commitment I have made to myself. You are really making a difference in my life. My husband has made some amazing changes just this past week. I prayed until I cried and asked God to forgive me for the past 5 years for not listening to Him. I am seeing some amazing, wonderful things. Thanks, Christy
Reggie, I want to thank you for the work that you are doing with my son. I saw him cry for the first time in years. He is really began to make some emotional break throughs. He is doing so much better. Whatever you are doing is working. Donald
Mr. Blackmon, I am doing so much better now. I am recording my grades like you ask. I am making 80s and 90s, where I use to make 60s and 70s. It is easy now. I am doing all my chores and even making breakfast for my mon on Saturdays. Joel